Blog Archives

How to plan an overseas trip – without having a panic attack

how to start planning a trip overseas

(PART 1) Overwhelmed. We were overwhelmed. The hardest part of planning a trip is starting with nothing and staring at a blank sheet of paper. Knowing that you can go anywhere but that you only have a small amount of

Posted in On The Road

5 Adventurous Things Challenge! Meredith Quintana

Deep Creek

We have a challenge for you! Answer this: What five adventurous things have you done in your life? We’ve been asking girls this, and it turns out we all have stories to tell! We’ve been inspired by the adventures of

Posted in On The Road

Doolin Ireland, a Pub, and an Epic Translation Moment

Pub in Doolin, Ireland

Kristian, Dawn, and I looked at our iPhone screen and tried to keep from giggling. A German man had just called us cheap women. And surprisingly, we weren’t at all offended. In fact, we were pretty impressed with ourselves. The

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How I Hated Nicaragua Until I Loved It


This past month I had the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua on an outreach trip. The team I was with visited schools, orphanages, hospitals and more. We learned about their life-styles, their economy, and their greatest needs. But the main

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The Day I Realized I was an Uptight American

A giant vat of cheese in Gruyere, Switzerland

My friend Annie and I stood poised by the train door, leaning forward, packs strapped on, and ready to sprint. We were making our way toward Gruyere – a tiny little medieval village way up in the hills of Switzerland.

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Checklist Challenge: 8 Things You Must Try on an Overseas Trip

Buying a chicken from a local street market

You don’t have to spend a fortune traveling to have an amazing time. Some of our best memories are the fun,quirky things we’ve done along the way. Here things you must try on an overseas trip…for (almost) FREE Find your

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5 Adventurous Things Challenge – Guest Jessica Collins

Jessica Collins guest blogger for Travel Chicks

We have a challenge for you! Answer this: What five adventurous things have you done in your life? We’ve been asking girls this, and it turns out we all have stories to tell! We were inspired last time by the

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Posted in On The Road

Tips for Planning a Group Trip

Picture of girlfriends on a trip

When you are planning a group trip, it’s important to do the things that it takes to ensure everyone has a great experience.  Here are the tips I have found to make it the best experience possible. Tips for Planning

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Traveling with Friends: 7 must-haves for choosing your travel buddy

picture of three girls at the beach

  How do you choose which friends to travel with? Here are seven things I look for in a travel companion: A desire to travel (not just the thought to travel) Not everyone wants to see the world, or is willing or able to

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5 Adventurous Things Challenge – Sheryl Wilcox

We have a challenge for you! Answer this: What are five adventurous things that you have done in your life? We’ve been inspired by the answers so far, and we are excited to share them over the next few weeks.

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Posted in On The Road, Places to Visit
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