The Top 5 (Unexpected) Ways to Have a Great Trip

Picture of Kinda and Kristian on the Eurorail

Think back to your last trip – what story do you tell? Chances are, you may have seen a great tourist attraction. What you probably remembered and chuckled about however, are the unexpected things that happened along the way. When

Posted in On The Road

Turning everyday life into an adventure

Picture of a movie screen set up in the backyard

Sometimes you just can’t make it to Tuscany, and you have to make the adventure come to you. I’ve learned you can make life more adventurous by:  1) Making it a priority  2) Not settling for ordinary  3) Planning for

Posted in Uncategorized

Budgeting: The Adventure Fund Jar (A soda a day keeps the Swiss cows away)

Adventure Fund Printout

I hear this one all the time: “A trip overseas is soooo expensive. I would never be able to afford it.” Well let me let you in on a little game that will get you halfway to seeing cows milked

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Posted in Budget Shopping

Hanson, Disney World, and Bacon: A Couchsurfing Saga

Couchsurfing friends

I just spent the day at Epcot, for free, with a personal tour guide from France.  It’s funny how random connections can bring new friends and so much adventure into our lives. That was what happened to me. A little

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Posted in On The Road

Cheap Backpacks and Travel Clothes – Tips for Thifting!

Traveler tips for thrifting - cheap backpacks and luggage

There’s nothing better than the feeling of stumbling across that great travel item at an absolute steal price. But sometimes even I can get a bit carried away. I’ve picked up a few things from yard sales that I should

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Posted in Budget Shopping, Travel Gear/Luggage

Top 10 Stupid Things (Not) to Say as an American Tourist

Top dumb things not to say as an american tourist

We’ve all heard horror stories about the “loud-mouth arrogant American tourist” who barges into other countries and demands his own way.  We’ll admit that we’ve run into a few, and we cringe thinking about it. It leaves a bad taste

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Posted in On The Road

An Introvert’s Guide to (Surviving) Cheap Vacations

An introvert's guide to surviving cheap vacations - tips for on the road so you don't stress out

I have a secret for you: I get tired of being around people. Some might guess otherwise, seeing as how I’m outgoing in public and pretty crazy when I speak onstage. But I can do that because I spend the

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Posted in On The Road

Why I Wear Girls Compression Shorts on EVERY TRIP (you should too!)

Girls compression shorts for travel - my must-have travel item

Today’s post written by guest blogger, Katie Paine. I have traveled all around the world and back, and I’ve discovered something to pack that will change your life…or at least your thighs! I may forget many things because I’m frazzled

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Posted in Travel Gear/Luggage, What to Wear

Off the Beaten Path in Ireland (and into a Cow Pasture)

Taking scenic routes on travel adventures

Have you ever been chased by a mad cow through a pasture near a national landmark? No? That’s a shame. And to think it almost didn’t happen. Luckily, we ventured off the beaten path and took the scenic route. My

Posted in On The Road

Travel Photography Tips and Mishaps: Mistaken for Indiana Jones in Ireland

Picture of an Irishman and his dog after rescuing Kristian from the creek

I suddenly found myself upside-down, hanging from the vines above the water. For a brief second I felt like Indiana Jones hanging over a precipice for dear life. Then, from above me, I heard an old Irish accent asking, “Are

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Posted in Photography
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