It isn’t everyday that a simple girl gets to be a part of something great, but here I am with a whole summer of great possibility. Before I get ahead of myself, an introduction is in order.
Hello, my name is Constance Campbell and I am the 2017 Summer Marketing and Social Media Intern for Travel Chicks TV. At first glance, I am just your typical college Senior with an everyday job who is just trying to survive each week’s challenges, but you should know that there is more to me than that stereotype. I have two of the sweetest sisters who are both under the age of 7, an incredible family, and an eventful life history (don’t we all?). Now I could bore you with all the details of my favorite ice cream flavor, my bucket list, or my travels…..but is that what you came to read? I thought so, but just in case: favorite ice cream is Cherry Limeade, Scotland is #1 on my bucket list, and I have been to 48 of the United States as well as Germany, Puerto Rico, and Argentina.
Are you ready for the fun stuff? Great, let’s get to it!
Story time:
As I stared out at the crowds of children gathering, the music began to play. I took a deep breath, adjusted my costume, and cartwheeled onto the stage. 30 minutes later and the show was over. My makeup was intact (fortunately), what was unfortunate was the sunburn that began to show around the weird pattern on my face.
Now you may be slightly confused, so let me explain. For the past two summers my travels have been on missions trips around the world. These trips aren’t exactly the normal mission style work. Rather than do the typical construction or health care work, we perform the play “Spellbound” all over each country for anyone who is willing to watch. After preparing all year, we then perform all over the country, living on a bus, putting on our intricate makeup while said bus is moving, and hoping that with all those hours of practice we finally have the choreography memorized. More often than not, the heads of state and government watch us as well. It is an honor to be so welcomed into these countries by such people of power as well as each country’s citizens. Because of these adventures, I have had the fortune of gaining friends all over the world to practice my Spanish.
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Back to the story: I underestimated the sunburn that had formed around my makeup. It was beyond painful and the only good part about it was that I only had to trace it in between shows to be performance ready. Always wear sunscreen! Even though it may be winter time in Argentina, sunscreen is essential to avoid embarrassing situations like meeting the mayor of a foreign city with random tan lines all over your face.
You’re probably wondering why I would share that story with you, right? No, it is not to teach you the importance of skin care or show off my writing skills (okay, maybe a little bit), but rather to give you a moment to be in my shoes. It isn’t easy meeting the new kid on the block and being the new kid isn’t that easy either. It is so humbling to meet you guys and share this Summer with you. While I may be foregoing the makeup for this season, I really look forward to hearing all of the crazy adventures that you guys have in common. It is an absolute honor to be the Travel Chicks Summer Intern because I get to learn and share about not only traveling adventures, but life adventures as well.

The real adventure is in the people you meet, the places you go, and the choices you make. What will your next adventure be?
Now we have all had those moments in our lives when we ask ourselves “what’s next?” or “will I ever achieve anything more than the status quo?”; the answer is that none of us are normal or fearful of the new adventures that life brings us. This is probably evident by the weird jungle cat makeup smeared all over my face in the picture above. As a Senior it is difficult to imagine what life will be beyond the four walls of college, but I know that whatever happens it will be an adventure. Yes dear readers, you (much like me) are not simple. So the real question is: where will this Summer take us? Are you ready to adventure with me and the rest of the Travel Chick crew?
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